Our Services

Cornerstone Therapy Associates offer a variety of services to meet your needs.

Private In-Home Services
Public School Services
Private School Services
ID/DD Waiver Services (Medicaid)
Sensory/Behavior Trainings/Seminars
Occupational Therapists are trained to assist people of all ages to perform functional daily tasks.
 Depending on the individual, this could help with vocational skills, social skills, physical gross and fine motor 
skills, or just interactive play skills. In addition, it is important to look at missing foundational skills that 
are underlying delays whether they be physical, sensory or behavioral. An occupational therapist
 can complete performance testing that helps to discover additional areas that need 
intervention. Occupational therapy may benefit in any of the following areas:

Oral-Motor/Eating Skill Delays

Sensory Processing Issues

Behavioral/Emotional Concerns

Fine-Motor /Gross-Motor Delays

Low Endurance/Tone

Visual-Motor/Visual Perceptual Deficits

Social Response Concerns

Handwriting Difficulties

A variety of work and play activities are used to teach skills. Occupational therapists are trained in task analysis and this enables them to look at components of everyday activities and determine appropriate intervention that will improve the student’s skills. In addition, parent training and involvement is imperative for best success in the treatment process.

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